7 Important Items to Discuss With Your Vancouver Home Builder

Finding the perfect home may be a never-ending journey, but choosing to build one can give you the home you’ve been looking for. Approaching a project that big can be daunting and it’s important to be prepared for every step of the way. Below are seven things to discuss with your Vancouver home builder when you decide to take the plunge to build your dream home.

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1. Finances

The first step toward building your own home is making sure you can afford it. The design and building process can be longer than you anticipate and it’s important to go into your project with realistic financial expectations. After analyzing your finances you can go to your bank to apply for a construction mortgage.

Once you are approved this will give you a budget for your project. This also helps your builder since it can be verified that you can afford their services. Most builders are looking for around a 10% down payment to begin the project, so having a sound financial loan gets everything started on the right foot. This is why choosing a banker who will be there to walk you through your finances and the loan process is just as important as choosing the right builder to take your project to the next step.

2. Location

When building a house, location is everything. The first decision that needs to be made is where you are looking to live in Washington. If you opt for Vancouver there are a multitude of neighborhoods so it’s important to choose the one that works best for you, whether that be the city, the suburbs or further into the country.

For sorting through locations, keep these priorities in mind: the commute to work, schools in the area and whether or not you want to be in the city or outside of it. New Tradition Homes has plenty of experience all around Vancouver and can help you discover which neighborhood suits all your needs. Click here for a map of our projects.

3. Choosing the Right Builder

When building a home, it’s a safe bet that you don’t know how to build it yourself. The most important decision you’ll make is choosing the builder that is right for you and your budget. An easy way to begin researching builders is to check the real estate section and see who is building homes that fit within your parameters. From there you can create a short list of builders who fit the design that you are looking for while also working within your price range.

Realtors can also be resourceful in recommending good builders based on their client list and previous homes. Once you have narrowed down your options, it’s important to visit homes they have built and, if you can, talk with the current homeowners. This will give you an inside look into the builder’s previous work and give you a vision for what you can look for in your own project.

4. Time Commitment

Once you settle on a builder, it’s important to be very aware of what you’re looking for. Not long after, you’ll have a design, blueprint, and idea together and your builder can give you an estimated timeline. It’s important to note that building from scratch is a big time commitment. Not only do you need to consider the time it takes for the plans and the build itself, but the day-to-day commitment as well. Once building begins, there will be many questions that come up and you need to be prepared for the length of time the project will take, as well as how much time you can loan to the project on a regular basis.

5. The Design

Once you’ve lined up the logistics of beginning to build a new home, it’s now time to design your new Vancouver abode. Most people have a pretty good idea in mind of what they are looking for, while others need a direction. You may even consider hiring a designer who can clarify your vision as you go through the building process. If you need a starting point, you can also choose an already established floor plan which gives a basic design to start from. This gives you a foundation to then grow your own design, so you still have that unique finished product.

6. The Details

When building a new home, it all comes down to the details. Having a builder who has considered everything beforehand makes the process much smoother, but it also helps to keep the big-picture details in mind when building.

When it comes to electrical, it’s important to think through your outlets. Consider how many you will need in the living room for your electronics and how many you’ll need in the bathroom. Another detail to consider is storage. Make sure you are including enough storage for all of your belongings and ask your home builder about built-ins. It’s also important to consider sound-proofing and insulation. Keep in mind where the most noise will be coming from and make sure your design takes that into consideration. Insulation helps with sound-proofing, but also helps keep your heating and cooling charges down. All these details come up when building a house, but a good builder will make sure all the details are taken care of.

7. If It Seems Like Too Much

Sometimes people go through the details of building a new home and find they either can’t do it or they don’t have the desire for such a lengthy project. Builders know when a project looks like it’ll be too much for a client and from there they can offer less intensive options. New Tradition Homes offers quick move-in options that are a great compromise as well. This will give you the brand new home in a neighborhood that you desire without the time commitment and endless decision making.

Whatever your worries with building a new home in Vancouver, New Tradition Homes can help get you started on the right foot. We began this process in 1987 and have become an established leader in the Vancouver home builder’s market, so whatever you are looking for, we can help you find. And with our 2017 Energy Star certification, we will help you create the perfect energy efficient home.

Are you ready to take the next step towards building your Vancouver dream home?